Sunday, September 27, 2009

Reflections on Using Teacher Web

1. Describe at least two ways that the use of a class website like TeacherWeb could be used to support your future teaching. Provide some specific details for each example.

I will definitely have a class website, whether it is TeacherWeb or another host. One reason for this is that from my perspective as both a student and teacher, I find that organization plays a huge part in how much work students are able to complete, and how much respect students and teachers have for one another.

Using a class website means that I can provide an advanced calendar in a central location that is accessible from anywhere, and that shows when readings, assignments, and tests are due. This eliminates paper waste, the problem of students losing assignment dates or not writing them in their planners, and also helps students who want to look ahead and plan around sports schedules, family vacations, dentist appointments, and the like.

I strive to make my classroom as transparent as possible - I will never "trick" students, withhold important information, or otherwise mislead them. The class website, again, provides a central location for me to upload all assignments, class handouts, grades, and the like. If a student misses class or loses an assignment, they know where to look to see what they've missed. The gradebook is fantastic as well, as I will keep it as up-to-date as possible. A student could then look at their grade at any point during the semester without having to come to me and look it up. And parents could look at the website and see exactly what is going on in their young adult's classroom, which again, would cut down on confusion, or simply phone calls/visits to my classroom to see what's going on.

Due to a lack of funding in most districts, classroom supplies might be lacking, or outdated. Having a single list of links to important sites such as the MLA guidelines and literary terms is a great way for students to find basic information they need on their own, rather than asking me how to perform basic tasks over and over again.

Finally, assuming that my school has the capabilities, I will be doing a lot of multimedia, collaborative projects with my students. Students will therefore be spending a considerable amount of time online, and I think it's only practical that they have an online site to go to for whatever information they may need while working on their projects.

2. Identify 2 ways students could use a class website like TeacherWeb to enhance their learning. Provide some details for each way identified.

A lot of what I mentioned above applies to students as well as teachers. In addition to the practicality and convenience of being able to access handouts, assignments, grades, and resources at one website, I also think students could create websites like the TeacherWeb one for their own projects. It's a great way to organize and present information on a research topic, or a collaborative performance assignment.

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